
Footstep2Brilliance: Napa County Office of Education

Digital Early Literacy Program grew out of a pilot launch of Footsteps2Brilliance with the assistance of the school district and a public/private partnership with NapaLearns

California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
Published on November 18, 2015

Decades of research show that children from poor families enter school with weaker language skills than children from more privileged families. The language gap can start at 18 months, and by the time they are five years old, these kids score more than two years behind on language development tests.

A key factor is that poor children are not exposed to engaging and supportive talk and the rich use of language at home. But the good news is that programs such as Footsteps2Brilliance at the Napa County Office of Education are helping bridge the divide.

The research-based literacy program for teachers and parents uses interactive e-books and learning games that help prepare children for school. The early learning platform is designed to accelerate student achievement by using mobile gaming technology, building on the latest cognitive research.

The e-books and games reinforce vocabulary, comprehension and critical thinking skills. Children can toggle between English and Spanish while learning 1,000 essential vocabulary words. The e-books are so engaging that kids “want to read them again and again,” said Dr. Barbara Nemko, Napa County Superintendent of Schools.

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