Accelerate Math
Building teacher and students confidence in mathematics
Building teacher and students confidence in mathematics
In close partnership with Napa County school districts, NapaLearns is investing in a new program that will accelerate student and teacher proficiency in inquiry-based mathematics. Recent California State Standards have become more rigorous, requiring teachers to use an inquiry-based approach to mathematics. Many elementary school teachers lack confidence in their ability to teach it nor have they been adequately trained.
Our goal is to develop a replicable coaching and support model that increases teacher competence and confidence to ensure all students have the opportunity to excel in mathematics.
NapaLearns selected four pilot elementary schools to implement a math instruction coaching model over the next three years that incorporates online demonstration lessons by experts, teacher goal-setting, and video-based observation and feedback for developing teachers. Over time, the districts will sustain teacher development at these schools while NapaLearns continues to expand the program.
Theory of Action: If we invest in high-quality, inquiry-based mathematics coaching and support for teachers and instructional leaders, we will be able to accelerate mathematics proficiency among targeted populations of students. Our goal is to develop a replicable teacher support model that can be scaled to additional schools.
We sponsor in-person workshops that provide teachers and instructional leaders with hands-on experiences that help them understand the fundamentals of inquiry-based mathematics and corresponding teaching practices. These workshops also build teacher confidence and a ‘growth mindset’ for continuous learning.
Leveraging curriculum and subject-matter experts, we support one on one coaching sessions that provide educators with just-in-time feedback and strategies needed for them to deepen their understanding of inquiry-based mathematics and improve their practice.
We provide access to online lessons in which experts demonstrate how to use inquiry-based strategies in the classroom. In addition, teachers are recorded in their classroom so that experts and peers can provide feedback about specific teaching practices and the teachers’ interactions with their students.
Calistoga Joint Unified School District
Calistoga Elementary
Napa Valley Unified School District
Alta Heights Elementary • Northwood Elementary • Snow Elementary • West Park Elementary • Yountville Elementary
Howell Mountain Elementary School District